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Where is my order?
Typically, you will be able to track your order 3 business days from the time of purchase. However, specific personalized items may take longer.
-The complexion is unable to be made 100% the same as a real person, as the characteristics of polymer clay and the actual color after baking will be darker than what you have seen in the picture.
-The ship out date of your doll is directly affected by the amount of changes you might request.
-Due to the large number of orders, we only provide proof renderings of facial features for modification and confirmation. If you are satisfied with the facial features, we will proceed to make the hair and body directly without further proof rendering verification. Thank you for your understanding.
Would you like to continue the production?
- I Want to Modify
- Yes. Continue
We have received your modification information.
Please check your email within 24-48 hours for confirmation.
Facial details
Thank you!
We will continue to make and ship your order ASAP.
If there are other modifications, please contact the customer service email directly.